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Advisor 360 Quick Product Demo Video

Advisor 360 - A Connected and Automated Governance and Compliance Solution


Managing compliance across various departments and business units can be a daunting task, often involving manual efforts, siloed data, and fragmented processes. This complexity can lead to inefficiencies, increased risk of non-compliance, and higher operational costs. Advisor 360 addresses these challenges by offering a comprehensive, integrated solution that streamlines compliance management, enhances efficiency, and ensures regulatory adherence.


Key features of Advisor 360 include:

  • Ready to use standard compliance regulations​
  • Codify custom regional or industry specific regulations​
  • Single source of truth for data driven operations​
  • Connected with your existing infrastructure or tools to give you near real-time updates​
  • Automated to monitor and trigger appropriate alerts to users or groups using actionable insights ​
  • Detailed audit reports of access control, admin level changes, license usage, vulnerability and patch management and more​
  • Risk Management to address various levels such as CXO’s, Directors, managers and more

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