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Singpass Integration: A Step Towards Digital Transformation for your Business

Written by Chuah Jia Min | Feb 28, 2023 9:40:42 AM

In recent years, Singapore has made significant efforts to promote digitalization among businesses. As announced by the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) chief executive Tan Kok Yam, a new Singpass-based system for attendance taking will be launched for SkillsFuture courses by the end of September this year (The Straits Times, 2023). Such a system would make it easier to validate that people have attended the courses by reducing the administrative burden on training providers and the SSG. This new initiative is part of the digital transformation efforts of the training and adult educator sector. Likewise, for other sectors and businesses like small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), taking a step towards transforming your business digitally can simply start with Singpass integration.

Singpass is a government-provided digital identity and authentication service in Singapore that allows citizens and permanent residents to access a wide range of government services online. Singpass’ suite of application programming interfaces (APIs) can be integrated with systems to offer a range of perks. Moreover, Singpass is a largely adopted and widely used system by Singaporeans with over 4.5 million users, which makes it a trusted and widely accepted system among the public. For businesses, Singpass integration can provide many benefits, such as increased security, efficiency, and convenience, which can help to boost customer acquisition and engagement. In this article, we will explore some key features of Singpass integration and why your business should integrate Singpass. 

One of the key features of Singpass integration is Verify. Verify allows an individual to prove his identity in-person by sharing his details from government sources with organizations without the need to bring any physical documents. Such a feature provides convenience for Singpass users. For instance, a patient visiting the clinic can complete registration quicker by scanning a QR code using the Singpass app. After which, the patient checks if his personal information to be shared is correct and enters the passcode or uses fingerprint to give consent for the sharing of personal information. 

Another key feature of Singpass integration is Sign. Sign enables businesses and their customers to sign documents digitally using signing certificates issued by the National Certification Authority. Such a feature removes the need for having to meet up physically, which in turn saves time for customers and businesses. Customers can easily go through agreements to be signed wherever they are situated. The electronic signature leverages cryptographic technology as it is cryptographically linked to the signer, giving businesses better assurance of the authenticity of the signed documents. 

Myinfo is also a key feature of Singpass. Myinfo is a service provided by the government of Singapore that allows citizens and permanent residents to access and share their personal information online. With Myinfo integration, businesses can access the personal information of their customers, such as name, address, and identification number, without the need for customers to manually enter their information. This can speed up the registration and onboarding process, making it more convenient for customers and reducing the risk of errors or inaccuracies. Long gone are the days where manually filling up forms were the norm. The amount of paperwork reduced is substantial.

Singpass also uses OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol, which allows businesses to authenticate customers and access their personal information securely using a secure token-based system. Singpass OIDC is built on top of the OAuth 2.0 framework, and it provides additional features such as identity verification, which makes it more suitable for authentication and authorization. This can increase security and protect personal information from fraud or unauthorized access.

In addition to the benefits already mentioned, Singpass integration allows businesses to offer their customers access to a wide range of government services, such as e-filing of taxes, e-applying for licenses, and more. This would be greatly beneficial for their customers, further boosting customer acquisition for the business. Moreover, integration with Singpass can reduce operational costs and improve the efficiency of business processes, which overall increase revenue and profitability. It also ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, which can avoid penalties or fines for businesses.

In conclusion, Singpass is a powerful tool for businesses in Singapore and Singpass suite of APIs is certainly an asset to any organization. The effects of Singpass integration have far-reaching benefits for all types of businesses. Adnovum helps your business to integrate Singpass efficiently in as fast as 2 weeks. Contact us for a discussion on your Singpass integration needs today. 

1.    The Straits Times. (2023). Attendance of SkillsFuture courses to be checked online using Singpass.